Asmi Yuriana Dewi Blog

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Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Matematika Berbasis Web pada Materi Trigonometri

Asmi Yuriana Dewi, 2011: Developing of Web based Math Learning Software for Trigonometry Topic
The development of education nowadays especially in teaching and learning process has been supported by information technology. Internet based learning is one of the learning innovations to improve students’ motivation. It has designed in the form of web. Since there has been no web based math learning designed including the teaching materials, specific pages for teacher and the students, evaluation system and interaction between both teacher-students and students-students, the purpose of this research was to develop a web based math learning which includes valid, practicality and effective teaching materials, interaction, evaluation, and specific pages for teacher and the students.
Development research was kind of this research. It consisted of three phases of implementation. The phases were front ended analysis phase, prototype phase, and evaluation phase. During the front ended analysis phase, analyzing of common web based math learning, reviewing the literature, and interviewing the students and researchers’ colleagues was done. Then, based on result analysis of this phase, prototype of web based math learning designed on trigonometry topic. The prototype validated by three web experts and one content expert. Try out assigned for this prototype at class of X.4 at SMAN 1 Sijunjung. The instruments were validation sheet, observation sheet, interview guideline, and learning motivation questionnaire. In line with practical testing, the effective testing was carried out. The effective testing of the web-based math learning assigned to students’ learning motivation. In this research, the data analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively.

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